Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Q: Guess how many pages I'm on for Screnzy?
A: 15

Q: Guess how many pages I'm supposed to be on?
A: Over 50

Q: Guess whose given up?
A: The 'Taku

Q: Guess who fails?
A: Yups, totally me.

On the bright side (surprised that there even IS one?), it's Easter (: Not that it makes much difference--and I HAVE NO CHOCOLATE--but bunnies, yeah? Happy, fluffy bunnies. Wait--I'm not making sense, am I? Guess I should write... (@motivation COME. PLEASE. I'm dying) Or maybe I'll just procrastinate.... and fail that science test I have while I'm at it since I'm currently too lazy to revise o__O


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